Independent Media Regulatory Body Still Open To Amendment

Individuals and media organizations can present suggestions and amendments to the Independent Media Regulatory Body, Director General of the Government Information Department Dr. Ranga Kalanasooriya said, emphasizing the Body was still in preliminary stages.

He said that only a discussion paper had been prepared by the Sub-Committee appointed to look into the Independent Media Regulatory Body and that there was no final draft on the proposed body, as yet.

Dr. Kalanasooriya said eight media organizations had participated in the initial discussions in June last year, and said the floor was still open to suggestions and amendments by interested individuals and organizations.

The five-member sub-committee appointed to look into the proposed Independent Media Regulatory body consists of Seetha Ranjani, Upali Arambewela, Dharmasiri Lankapedi, N.M. Ameen and is headed by Wijayananda Jayaweera.