Pro-Rajapaksa Lawyer Files Petition In Supreme Court Against Elections Commission For Not Holding Provincial Council Elections

February 18, 2019

The Sathya Gaveshakayo (Truth Seekers) organization has filed a petition in the Supreme Court against the Elections Commission for not holding the Provincial Council elections.

Premanath C Dolawatte, a lawyer affiliated with former President Mahinda Rajapaksa and his family filed the petition as the convenor of the organization. 

The terms Six out of nine Provincial Councils have expired but elections have been postponed indefinitely due to issues in the electoral system. 

Elections Commission Chairman Mahinda Deshapriya has threatened to resign from office if the elections are not held before November 09. 

Deshapriya, however, says the Commission is powerless when it comes to holding elections if the lawmakers are not ready to pass laws to expedite the process.