Third batch of 223 quarantined persons returns home, says Lt. Gen. Shavendra Silva

The third batch of quarantined individuals comprising 223 have left for their homes today (26) after completing the 14-day long quarantine process, says Commander of Army Lieutenant General Shavendra Silva.

This group underwent the quarantine process at the facilities in Punani, Kandakadu, Diyatalawa and Meeyankulam for two weeks upon arriving on the island.

Similarly, 144 quarantined individuals in Army-provided buses and trucks left for their homes last morning (25).

(say): කියනවා, කියන්නට ඇති අවසරය, කියන්නට ඇති දේ, කියමන, කියමු, දපනවා, පවසනවා, ප්‍රකාශ කරනවා, වදාරනවා, සිතමු
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