Public Administration Minister Chandana Abeyrathna extended an apology to Samagi Jana Balawegaya (SJB) MP Nizam Kariapper after the latter raised a matter of privilege in Parliament today (21 January).
Kariapper expressed concerns over officials at the Mannar District Secretariat allegedly refusing to accept a letter he had sent as an MP. The letter, bearing parliamentary stamps and a letterhead, was addressed to the Secretary of the Mannar District Cordination Committee and sent via registered post.
“This is a serious concern, and it is unclear why the officials refused to accept my letter. I understand that the Public Administration Minister may not have direct involvement in this matter, but I request a clarification as to why this occurred. I am tabling the letter I sent to the Secretary of the District Cordination Committee,” Kariapper stated.
In response, Abeyrathna apologised for the inconvenience caused and pledged to conduct an inquiry into the incident. He assured Kariappar that necessary steps would be taken to address the issue.