High Court In Guwahati Allows Prisoners' World Cup Plea

Inmates in an Indian prison successfully argued in the High Court that watching the World Cup is part of their fundamental human rights.

The High Court in Guhawati has ordered that a cable connection must be laid within five days with Justice Arup Kumar Goswami ruling: "Prisoners need recreation for a healthy mind."

Although prisoners were already able to watch the state-run Doordarshan channel, which is screening India's matches, the majority of matches in the World Cup are only available on cable TV.

Lawyers representing the prisoners had argued that television was part of the "right to life and personal liberty" set out by India's constitution.

The ruling only applies to "under trial prisoners" - those whose case has not yet been heard.

It remains to be seen if the whole of India will now petition that the chance to watch the World Cup is a right they cannot fairly be denied.