The global phenomenon Squid Game is back with its highly anticipated second season, reuniting fans with Seong Gi-hun (played by Lee Jung-jae) and introducing a host of new characters. The Netflix series, which first captivated audiences in 2021, continues to explore its high-stakes underground competition, where financially desperate participants face life-or-death versions of childhood games.
Lee Jung-jae, who won an Emmy for his role in the first season, described returning to the character as seamless. “I’ve lived with Gi-hun for two years now,” he said, adding that the new script by creator Hwang Dong-hyuk exceeded his expectations.
Hwang, who spent years crafting the original series, shocked many by completing scripts for both the second and third seasons within just six months. “Creating new characters was easier than deciding Gi-hun’s next chapter,” he admitted.
The show’s success has elevated the careers of its cast. Lee Byung-hun, reprising his villainous role, shared, “After over three decades as an actor, Squid Game gave me global recognition.” Meanwhile, newcomers like Jo Yoo-ri and Yang Dong-geong expressed excitement and trepidation about joining the critically acclaimed series.
Season two has already garnered a Golden Globe nomination for Best Drama Series, a rarity for Korean television, which traditionally avoids sequels. Despite initial skepticism, the outlook is positive.
However, the season hasn’t been without controversy. The introduction of a transgender character, played by Park Sung-hoon, sparked debate over authentic representation.
Squid Game continues to expand its universe, keeping fans on edge as they await the next twist in this gripping saga.