The police have launched an investigation against MP Ramanathan Archchuna, for allegedly disobeying traffic police officers and obstructing their duties. The incident occurred in the Anuradhapura area while Archchuna was travelling to Colombo to attend a parliamentary session.
According to Police Media Spokesman Senior Superintendent of Police Buddhika Manatunga, legal action will be taken against Archchuna under the Motor Transport Act and the Penal Code. Facts related to the incident are to be presented in court today (21).
According to a video from the scene, police officers alleged that Archchuna was driving with VIP lights on his vehicle, obstructing other vehicles on the road, which prompted them to stop him.
The video showed Archchuna refusing to provide his NIC to the police, claiming that MPs cannot be stopped when travelling to Parliament for sittings. He was also seen using unparliamentary language against the officers and accusing them of being biased towards Sinhalese while treating him differently because he is Tamil. Additionally, Archchuna asserted in the video that he has the right to use VIP lights on his vehicle because MPs are considered VIPs.
Additionally, an inquiry is underway to determine if a statement made by the MP during the altercation has incited discord among communities.