Fresh details regarding the arrest of Yoshitha Rajapaksa, the second son of former Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa, have been revealed by the police. Yoshitha was arrested by the CID this morning (25 January) in Beliatta, following instructions from the Attorney General.
Police Spokesperson Buddhika Manatunga stated that the arrest was made under the Money Laundering Act No. 6 of 2005, as sufficient evidence had been gathered against him.
The case dates back to an investigation initiated by the Financial Crimes Investigation Division (FCID) under the ‘Good Governance’ government. In 2017, the FCID informed the Colombo Chief Magistrate’s Court that they had sought the Attorney General’s advice regarding future legal action in a case involving a 31.5-perch property in Sirimal Uyana, Ratmalana, valued at Rs. 36 million. The property, which includes a house, was allegedly purchased by Yoshitha Rajapaksa through money laundering.
The land was registered under the name of Daisy Forrest, Yoshitha’s 89-year-old grandmother, also known as “Daisy Achchi.” She was arrested in connection with the case but later released on bail.
In 2016, Colombo Additional Magistrate Augusta Atapattu issued an order to the Nugegoda land registrar, preventing the sale or transfer of ownership of the Ratmalana property.