BTS member Kim Taehyung, also known as V, has shared the heartbreaking news of his beloved Pomeranian Yeontan’s passing. Taking to Instagram Stories on December 2, V revealed the loss of his cherished dog, who had been a part of his life for seven years.
In a deeply emotional message, V described Yeontan’s journey to the “dog stars,” recalling their close bond. Despite facing significant health challenges, including two unsuccessful heart surgeries, V expressed gratitude for the precious time they spent together. He also thanked fans for their unwavering support and love for Yeontan.
V wrote: “Hello ARMY, are you having a warm end of the year? I’m glad the weather isn’t too cold yet! It feels like it’s been a while since I greeted ARMY with music. I have fond memories of preparing the duet with my beloved Hyo Shin hyung and also the carol by Bing Crosby, whom I deeply respect, which will be released soon. Time flies, and it’s already December.”
He continued, “Actually, the reason I’m writing this post today is that recently, Yeontan has embarked on a long journey to the dog stars. I thought a lot about how to tell you this, but I felt it was right to share this news with ARMY, who have shown so much love for Yeontan. I would be grateful if you could remember Yeontan and wish for his happiness even in the stars. I hope you have a warm end of the year where you can tell your loved ones that you love them once more.”
V concluded by sending his well wishes to his fans: “I wish ARMY to always be healthy until the day we meet again.”
Fans from around the world have flooded social media with messages of support for the grieving singer, expressing their sympathy for the loss of Yeontan, who had become an iconic part of V’s journey.