Instilling Good Values And Protecting The Environment

Amidst chaotic climatic changes, extreme weather events and natural disasters, Sri Lanka commemorated World Environment Day (WED) along with the rest of the world. While the global theme for WED 2016 was the "fight against the illegal trade in wildlife for life”, Sri Lanka marked its importance by prioritising on the theme of “Sustainable Use – Protects the Earth”

As an organisation that works towards addressing the impacts of climate change and development of the agriculture sector in Sri Lanka, SLYCAN Trust launched its school awareness creation and gardening project in the Trincomalee District. The Project initiated its work in Ethebandi Wewa Vidyalaya, Rorawewa with the support of the school principal and staff.

“Today, we took a small step that we are confident will contribute towards the larger benefit of our environment. With the help of officials in the district as well as the academic staff of Ethebandi Wewa Vidyalaya, we are very optimistic on how this Project will turn out,” said Charuka Udayanga, Regional Programme Coordinator for Easter Provice of SLYCAN Trust.

Having already established a base in Morawewa, the Trust has been working towards the promotion of organic agriculture and the empowerment of female farmers and women-led communities in the Eastern Province. The Trust’s involvement with empowering children and schools is the next step towards building sustainable communities.

“It’s important for us to work with schools and children as we see both groups as examples of sustainability. It is only if values and the importance of protecting the environment are instilled in their daily routines as children, will we be able to help towards the cause of a sustainable future,” said SLYCAN Trust Co-ordinator Bhagya Wickremasinghe.

SLYCAN Trust is driven by the vision of collective local and global efforts to address impacts of climate change, animal welfare, social and gender empowerment and agriculture.