IUSF Defies Government: Holds Protest In Colombo On Tuesday

November 02, 2015

Days after the police attack on a student protest, the Inter University Students Federation (IUSF) has organized a protest march in Colombo tomorrow (03), urging the government to fulfill several demands including the protection of free education.

The IUSF also pushes forward demands such as abolishing the SAITM Campus, Malambe, abolishing private universities, increasing the university intake and 'quitting the merchandising of degrees' in universities.

The protest seems to be an open defiance of the government since it comes less than a week after the police attack on the HNDA student protest. The police are still facing severe criticism at the manner in which they handled the protest on October 29 and its aftermath. The police have blamed media for portraying the apparent attack on a lone female student negatively, refuting photographic evidence of the alleged incident.

Meanwhile, the IUSF yesterday held a press conference in which the female student who was allegedly beaten spoke of the incident.