National Languages and Social Integration Minister Vasudeva Nanayakkara has urged President Mahinda Rajapaksa to scrutinize agreements signed by NGOs operating in Sri Lanka with foreign partners
He mas made this request on the grounds that some agreements signed by NGOs with foreign partners could result in unprecedented consequences in various sectors in the country.
Minister Nanayakkara, who is a veteran Leftist politician, is known to be close supporter of non-governmental organizations operating in Sri Lanka on various fronts. Therefore, the Minister's request has taken the NGO circles of the country by surprise.
However, President Mahinda Rajapaksa has shot down Minister Nanayakkara's request saying scrutinizing NGO agreements might be construed as a move in the direction of stifling NGOs. A weekend English newspaper has reported today that the President has declined the Social Integration Minister's suggestion saying, "we must show some flexibility."