Sri Lankan Fashion Store Cashes In On Power Cuts To Market "Glow In The Dark" Lingerie

The local intimate-wear store Midnightdivas has cashed on the crippling power cuts that have been the norm of the country from Sunday to market a new series of "Glow in the Dark" lingerie.

Midnightdivas posted an advertisement on its Facebook Page, showing a picture of a model in the dark, wearing bright green lingerie. The picture was captioned, "Still having power cuts? Don't worry!"

Sri Lanka was hit by an island-wide power cut on Sunday and the Ceylon Electricity Board has announced a timetable for a 7 1/2 hour power cut on today and tomorrow. The island-wide blackout was said to be the result of an explosion at a substation in Biyagama. It was Sri Lanka's worst power blackout in twenty years.

Meanwhile, the Norochcholai power station has malfunctioned and the water levels in the upcountry reservoirs are dropping, adding to the difficulties of the CEB.