'Joint Opposition' Likely To Hold Rally At Galle Face Green

The 'Joint Opposition' is likely to hold the final rally of the 'Jana Satana Paada Yatra' today at the Galle Face, UPFA MP Sisira Jayakody has told local media.

There is speculation on the venue of the rally as the government suddenly started renovation work at the Hyde Park, which was reserved by the 'Joint Opposition' for the rally.

UPFA MP Ranjith de Soyza told Asian Mirror recently that there will not be a rally with a large stage. Even if the government imposes curfew, the Joint Opposition will hold a rally anywhere possible, he said.

Several 'Joint Opposition' figures have indicated the 'Galle Face Green as a viable alternative for Hyde Park. However, at a recent press conference, UPFA MP Namal Rajapaksa refused to reveal the JO's plans, saying that the government might start renovation work in a lot of other grounds.