Trial Against Uduwe Dhammaloka Thera Fixed For September

The Colombo High Court today fixed the trial against Uduwe Dhammaloka Thera over alleged possession of an elephant cub without proper licenses for September 20 and 21.

When the case was taken up for hearing today, the defence said that they had not been provided with some documents relating to the case by the AG Department.

The High Court instructed the AG to hand over the necessary documents to the defence.

The Department of Wildlife Conservation discovered the elephant cub at the Alan Mathiniyaramaya on January 28, 2015. The two-and-a-half-year-old elephant calf was taken into custody by the Department of Wildlife Conservation. The baby elephant was not registered under the name of Chief Incumbent Uduwe Dhammaloka Thera or the temple.

Dhammaloka Thera was arrested on March 9, 2016, and was released on bail by Fort Magistrate Courts later. Indictment was served to Dhammaloka Thera on June 20.