"Anura Dissanayake" Calls Live TV Program Echoing "Matara Sunil" Drama [VIDEO]

A certain "Hemantha Rathnayake", who had a voice similar to JVP leader Anura Kumara Dissanayake, called the "Balaya" live political debate on Hiru TV recently to direct a question at former Minister Keheliya Rambukwella and criticized the political parties which had governed the country.

Rambukwella, in his reply asked pointedly, "Was that Anura Kumara who spoke?"

He then went on to ignore the question, saying that the caller had made a political speech, urging for a third movement, even using exact words used by the JVP leader in his speeches. "If this question was posed at a political stage, I would have answered" Rambukwella said.

This incident echoed a similar incident in late 2014, when UNP MP Ranjan Ramanayake allegedly called Derana during a live program, claiming to be "Sunil from Matara" and made various allegations against the then Minister Mahindananda Aluthgamage. This episode created a major dispute involving the two politicians and also Derana.

Following the 2015 Presidential Election, Ramanayake admitted that he was "Matara Sunil."

To his credit, "Hemantha Rathnayake from Kurunegala" focused on the country's politics rather than personal accusations.

It must also be noted that Anura Dissanayake also hails from Kurunegala District, although he contested from Colombo in 2015 General Election.