Joint Opposition To Announce Decision On Taking Part In SLFP Anniversary On Friday

UPFA MP Dullas Alahapperuma said that the 'Joint Opposition' will announce its decision on taking part in the SLFP 65th anniversary celebrations on Friday, September 2.

The SLFP anniversary falls on September 2. Alahapperuma said that it is the most ideal day to announce the decision of the SLFP MPs of the 'Joint Opposition.

The anniversary celebration will be held on Sunday in Kurunegala.

Alahapperuma said that the JO MPs will take the decision on the party bala mandalaya meetings which are taking place these days. They will also consider the party philosophy, objectives, membership and history in taking a decision.

Several 'Joint Opposition' MPs who back former President Mahinda Rajapaksa have already said that they will not be taking part in the party anniversary convention. Rajapaksa will be out of the country.