Chinese Power Plant Project Put Polpitiya Village At Heavy Risk

Major part of Polpitiya area in Ginigathhena has sunk into the earth last night due to construction of a tunnel connecting Boardland power plant by a Chinese construction company.

On August 7, a house sunk into the earth, creating panic among the villagers. The village is situated directly over the tunnel under construction.

About 500 square feet area has sunk in this manner. It has heavily damaged many houses in the area. Residents of 37 houses have already evacuated. Villages say that there is a high risk of other houses are also at risk. 

A massive backhoe machine and a lorry also which were used in the construction were also sunken. However tunnel workers managed to rescue the two drivers. 

Meanwhile, journalists who went there to report the incident say that they were harassed by the workers of the Chinese company.