Over 80 Tamil organizations in Canada have called on the Canadian government to pursue “alternative strategies such as diplomatic and economic sanctions as well as travel restrictions” on Sri Lankan officials.
The Tamil Community General Assembly, made up of Tamil community and political organisations, unanimously adopted a document, outlining 34 key points regarding Eelam Tamil political activism including economic sanctions and travel restrictions.
The document called on the international community to recognise Eelam Tamil nationhood, saying that the Sri Lankan government was continuing a “systematic and accelerated process of genocide” in the Tamil homeland and that an internationally supported transitional administration should be implemented to halt what they term as "the genocide."
“The Tamil community rejects the proscription of 16 Tamil diaspora organizations along with 424 individuals by the Government of Sri Lanka. The list of organizations includes the National Council of Canadian Tamils, Tamil Youth Organization, the Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam and the Canadian Tamil Congress. This serves as a preventative measure for the Tamil diaspora to continue campaigning for the right to self-determination of the Tamil nation. This reactionary measure adopted by the Government of Sri Lanka reflects its lack of commitment towards genuine truth, accountability and justice,” the Tamil Guardian, quoting the document, said.