New Regulations for Justices of the Peace Approved


The Ministerial Consultative Committee on Justice, Prisons Affairs, and Constitutional Reforms has approved new regulations for the appointments, suspensions, cancellations, and code of conduct for Justices of the Peace. The approval was granted during a recent meeting chaired by Justice Minister Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe in Parliament on June 18.

These regulations, issued under the Judicature Act No. 2 of 1978, aim to promote ethical conduct among Justices of the Peace, ensuring effective justice administration and reducing opportunities for corruption. Minister Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe highlighted the lack of specific methods for appointing Justices of the Peace and their qualifications, necessitating these new orders.

The new code of ethics introduced for Justices of the Peace is designed to protect the dignity of the position and maintain public trust.