Indian Fishermen Stage Black Flag Protest Against Sri Lankan Navy

Indian fishermen from Ramanathapuram district staged a black flag protest on Thursday, condemning the Sri Lankan Navy's arrest of Tamil Nadu fishermen. According to Indian media DT , approximately 400 country boats were immobilized as fishermen abstained from work to voice their dissent.

SP Rayappan, president of the Ramanathapuram District Country Boats Fishermen Welfare Association, stated that 25 fishermen were arrested and four country boats were seized by the Sri Lankan Navy on Monday for allegedly fishing beyond the International Maritime Boundary Line (IMBL). The detained fishermen's families, who have no other source of income, urged Indian authorities to hold bilateral talks with Sri Lanka for their release.

SJ Gayes, president of the Integrated Traditional Fishermen Association, Tamil Nadu, highlighted the difficulties traditional fishermen face due to depleted fish stocks caused by mechanized trawlers. As a result, country boat fishers are forced to venture into deeper waters.

Local fisherman Chinnathambi said that fishing in the Palk Strait is allowed under the Indo-Sri Lanka agreement, which remains in effect. He criticized the Sri Lankan Navy for detaining fishermen without regard for this rule.