Sri Lankan Household Population Faces Severe Water and Sanitation Challenges


A recent survey by the Department of Census and Statistics (DCS) reveals that 20.3% of Sri Lanka's household population lacks basic drinking water facilities. The survey indicates that 16.1% of households rely on unprotected wells as their primary water source.

The report highlights that only 33.4% of households have access to safely managed drinking water—available on-premises, consistently, and free from E. coli contamination. Urban areas show better access, with 68.6% using safely managed water sources, compared to 28.2% in rural areas and just 3.1% in the estate sector.

Sanitation issues are also prevalent, with 6.3% of households lacking basic sanitation services, and 0.1% still practicing open defecation. Furthermore, 88.7% of the population relies on limited sanitation services, underscoring the urgent need for improvements in water and sanitation infrastructure across the country.