President Ranil Decides Not to Get Involved  in IGP Issue

President Ranil Wickremesinghe has opted not to engage in the controversy surrounding the appointment of an Acting Inspector General of Police (IGP). Advised by his legal team, the President was cautioned that making such appointments every two weeks could trigger election petitions against him. Consequently, he has notified the Speaker of Parliament of his decision to step back from the matter.

Prime Minister Dinesh Gunawardena is set to present the government's official stance on the Supreme Court's ruling regarding the IGP's position in a special statement to Parliament today. The Cabinet of Ministers, following an urgent meeting on Wednesday, decided to announce their response to the Supreme Court's decision within two days after thoroughly examining the legal implications.

The Supreme Court recently issued an interim order preventing Deshabandu Tennakoon from functioning as the IGP, following petitions challenging his appointment. The Court also directed the President to appoint a suitable candidate for the IGP role during the interim period.

Accordingly a special cabinet meeting was convened, chaired by President Wickremesinghe, where it was agreed that a detailed legal review was necessary before issuing an official response.