After Mini Cabinet Reshuffle President Now Mulls Over Ministry Secretary Revisions to Enhance Service Delivery

In a bid to streamline public service and enhance the implementation of economic and social welfare policies, Sri Lankan President Ranil Wickremesinghe is reportedly focusing on revising the secretaries of several ministries, according to government sources.

This comes in the wake of a mini Cabinet reshuffle carried out by President Ranil Wickremesinghe.

These sources suggest that the proposed amendment could involve the transfer of some ministry secretaries and the removal of those who have failed to effectively implement public welfare policies. The move aims to address public complaints about a lack of proper service and support for the government's initiatives.

A senior government spokesperson revealed that President Wickremesinghe e has received numerous complaints about ministry secretaries who are allegedly not fully committed to supporting the government's efforts to rebuild the country's economy and promote social welfare. The decision to review the performance of these ministry secretaries is part of a broader effort to improve governance and service delivery in Sri Lanka.