Cabinet Reshuffle Within 3 Days! Nimal Siripala Likely To be Prime Minister

November 22, 2014

Highly placed sources of the government told ‘Asian Mirror’ on Saturday morning that a cabinet reshuffle is likely to take place within the next three days.

The highlight of the reshuffle will be the change in the post of the Prime Minister. A senior government spokesman told Asian mirror that Leader of the House Minister Nimal Siripala de Silva is the front runner for the Prime Ministerial position.

At the cabinet reshuffle, more responsibilities will be given to senior members of the Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP), government sources also added.

Permanent Ministers will also be appointed to the positions that have been left vacant by those who have crossed over to the opposition. Ministry of Health, Ministry of Fisheries and Ministry of Education Services have been left vacant by the government MPs who have extended their support to the common opposition.

Meanwhile, Minister of Petroleum Anura Priyadarshana Yapa has been appointed as the new General Secretary of the Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP) – the position which was previously held by Minister Maithripala Sirisena. It was widely speculated that Higher Education Minister S.B. Dissanayake will be appointed as the General Secretary of the party, replacing Sirisena. However, at the last moment, Anura Yapa came forward as the suitable candidate for the position because Dissanayake also has a ‘sound record’ for crossovers at unexpected times.


However, addressing the press conference in Colombo yesterday, Rajitha Seneratne said many Parliamentarians of the uling party will follow their footsteps and join the opposition in the coming weeks.