Mahindananda Walks Out Of 'Waada Pitiya': Govt Loses Presence In Private Channels

December 04, 2014

Sports Minister Mahindananda Aluthgamage walked out of the 'waada pitiya' political talk show on Derana claiming the TV station is biased towards Maithripala Sirisena, common candidate of the opposition.

Aluthgamage, before walking out of the TV studio, accused Derana of supporting The campaign of the common candidate. He said he was insulted during the programme in a manner that would tarnish his public image and reputation.

Two weeks ago too, two members of the ruling party, namely Education Minister Bandula Gunawardena and UPFA MP Ramesh Pathirana refused to take part in the same political talk show on the grounds that opposition leader of the Uva Provincial Council Harin Fernando was invited to represent the main opposition party.

The ruling party members were of the view that those who represent the Parliament should not engage in debates with members of provincial councils. Following the refusal, the television station had to cancel the programme at the last moment.

Representatives of the government usually dodge the 'Satana' political programmes stating they cannot agree with the 'format' of the programme. 'Satana' is known to be a unique political talk show that poses hard questions at politicians or representatives of civil organizations who take part in the show.

Meanwhile, none of the representatives of the government has attended the 'Janahanda' political programme over the past few weeks. 'Janahanda' is considered as one of the oldest political talk shows in Sri Lanka with a history that spans over two decades.