Azwer Becomes Advisor To The President On Parliamentary Affairs & Media

December 04, 2014

A.H.M. Azwer, who recently resigned from his Parliamentary seat, has been appointed as an Advisor to the President on parliamentary affairs and media.

A former national list MP of the United People’s Freedom Alliance, Azwer resigned from his Parliamentary seat to make way for Amir Ali, Eastern Provincial Council member of the ACMC led by Minister Rishad Bathiudeen. The move was aimed at getting the support of Rishad Bathiudeen’s party to the government at the next presidential election.

Amir Ali has still not accepted the offer and the ACMC’s support to the government still hangs in the balance.

Azwer has also served as a Minister of Muslim Affairs for a brief period. An addition to his political career, he is also known as a former journalist. He crossed over to the United People’s Freedom Alliance from the United National Party.