President Mahinda Rajapaksa, who met UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon today on the sidelines of the CICA conference, has invited the Secretary General to visit the country and witness the developments taking place on the ground.
The President has also updated the UN Secretary General over the implementation of LLRC recommendations. The President also briefed the UN Secretary General on development work that is being conducted in the formerly war-affected areas.
The UN Secretary General's last visit to Sri Lanka came in the wake of the final stage of far and during the visit President Rajapaksa and the UN Secretary General issued a joint statement on Sri Lanka's post war plans. In the statement, the President pledged to address the grievances of all parties who were affected during the final phase of war.
A few months ago, the UN Secretary General was invited by the government of Sri Lanka to be the Chief Guest of the Word Conference on Youth of which Sri Lanka was the host country. Representing the Secretary General, UN General Assembly Chairman John W Ashe took part in the conference.