Police Disperse Aggressive Protesters Attempting to Storm Haguranketha Police Station: Shots Fired into the Air

Tension escalated in Haguranketha as the police fired warning shots into the air to disperse a group of protesters who attempted to forcibly enter the local police station.

Approximately 200 individuals were involved in the demonstration, with a significant number of men appearing to be under the influence of alcohol, according to a senior official.

The protest was sparked by the recent arrest of a suspect, which incited the group to voice their discontent. Despite being informed about an ongoing investigation into the incident, the group exhibited unruly behavior, prompting law enforcement to intervene.

In order to safeguard the lives of the officers engaged in the ongoing investigation, the police resorted to firing warning shots into the air when it became evident that the protesters were attempting to breach the police station's gates. This tactical measure aimed to deter any potential threat posed by the crowd.

Following the intervention, the group subsequently vacated the premises of the police station and relocated to a nearby road where they continued their protest for approximately one hour before dispersing.