Sri Lanka Set to Loosen Import Restrictions on Public Transportation Vehicles: Siyambalapitiya

In a significant development, the Sri Lankan government has announced its decision to ease import restrictions on vehicles utilized for public transportation. 

This development comes as the country aims to address the economic challenges it has been facing. State Minister of Finance, Ranjith Siyambalapitiya, stated that despite the ongoing import restrictions due to the economic crisis, certain vehicles essential for public transport and cargo services will soon be granted permission for import.

Speaking from Ruwanwella, Siyambalapitiya revealed that a gazette notification outlining the relaxation of import constraints on lorries, trucks, and buses designated for public transportation purposes is anticipated to be issued within the week. This decision is expected to play a crucial role in enhancing the efficiency and availability of public transport services.

The decision to ban importation of all types of vehicles was made in the wake of the foreign exchange crisis last year.