Pivithuru Hela Urumaya (PHU) Leader Udaya Gammanpila said that he would hand over two reports on the 2019 Easter Sunday terror attacks to the government if it promises to publish them, thereby granting the public access to the reports.

Gammanpila, speaking at a media briefing today (16 October), responded to Minister of Public Security Vijitha Herath's three-day ultimatum for him to submit the allegedly missing reports. Gammanpila noted that although Herath had requested the reports, he had not mentioned anything about publishing them. Therefore, Gammanpila is seeking an assurance that the reports will be made public.

Gammanpila further said he received the two reports on 10 October via post.

The reports in question were prepared by committees headed by S.I. Imam and A.N.J. de Alwis. The S.I. Imam report was submitted to the former president on 25 June 2024, while the A.N.J. de Alwis report was handed over on 14 September 2024. These reports investigated the role of the intelligence services during the Easter Sunday terror attacks and addressed allegations raised in a documentary by the United Kingdom's Channel 4. The committee chaired by retired judge A.N.J. de Alwis specifically examined the intelligence services' involvement in the attacks.

Earlier, Minister Herath claimed that these reports had gone missing. In response, Gammanpila asserted that none of the reports were missing and that he had them in his possession. He warned that if the government does not publish the reports within seven days, he would release them online.

Herath, in turn, responded by saying that Gammanpila should hand over the missing reports to the government within three days if he has them in his possession.