Cyclone "MICHAUNG" Intensifies: Sri Lanka Braces for Heavy Rainfall in Several Provinces

December 04, 2023

The Department of Meteorology has issued a warning as Cyclone "MICHAUNG" gains strength in the South West Bay of Bengal. Positioned at 12.8°N and 81.6°E, approximately 365 km northeast of Jaffna as of 23:30 yesterday, the cyclone is on a trajectory that is expected to intensify further.

Forecasts indicate that "MICHAUNG" is set to move northwest away from Sri Lanka, posing potential risks to the North Tamil Nadu region and heading for an eventual landfall along the South Andhra Coast by tomorrow.

In anticipation of the cyclone's influence, Sri Lanka is bracing for adverse weather conditions. Rain or thunder is expected in several provinces, including Western, Sabaragamuwa, North, South, and North-West. Some areas may experience heavy rainfall, reaching up to 75 mm. As a precautionary measure, residents in the affected regions are advised to stay vigilant and take necessary precautions to ensure safety